Notebook Dump

dump shows notebook and cell information, and cell sources of Jupyter notebooks in a compact way on stdout (more compact than nbshow of the nbdime package).

Which elements of a notebook are dumped can be selected through options. The output format can also be adjusted via options.


The following options are supported by dump:

-g, --notebook-info, -G, --no-notebook-info
                      show global notebook information (default: True)
-c, --cell-info, -C, --no-cell-info
                      show cell information (default: True)
-s, --sources, -S, --no-sources
                      show cell sources (default: True)
-t TYPES, --cell-types TYPES
                      comma-separated list of cell types to dump (default:
-p STRING, --prefix STRING
                      pre/postfix for information lines (default: '=====')
-i INT, --indent INT  indentation level for source lines (default: 2)
-l, --line-numbers, -L, --no-line-numbers
                      show source line numbers (default: False)
-e INT, --cell-spacing INT
                      number of empty lines between cells (default: 0)


A dump of notebook short.ipynb in verbose mode:

$ nbtb dump -v short.ipynb
Options for nbdump:
  Dump notebook info: True
  Dump cell info: True
  Dump cell sources: True
  Dump cell types: markdown,code,raw
  Prefix for information lines: =====
  Source line indentation level: 2
  Show source line numbers: False
  Cell spacing lines: 0
===== nbformat: 4.2 | kernel: python3 | language: python 3.6.1 =====
===== cells: 2 =====
===== cell 0: markdown | metadata: collapsed =====
  # Short Notebook for Testing

  * **Bold**
  * _Italic_
  * `Typewriter`
  * $e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0$
===== cell 1: code | outputs: 2 =====
  print(6 * 7)
  1 + 1

Notebooks processed: 1

A dump that shows notebook and cell information only (no sources):

$ nbtb dump -S test.ipynb
===== nbformat: 4.2 | kernel: python3 | language: python 3.6.1 =====
===== cells: 19 | metadata: celltoolbar,toc =====
===== cell 0: markdown =====
===== cell 1: markdown =====
===== cell 2: markdown =====
===== cell 3: code | metadata: collapsed | outputs: 1 =====
===== cell 4: code | metadata: collapsed | outputs: 1 =====
===== cell 5: code | metadata: collapsed | outputs: 1 =====
===== cell 6: code | outputs: 1 =====
===== cell 7: code | outputs: 2 =====
===== cell 8: code | outputs: 2 =====
===== cell 9: markdown | tags: YourTurn =====
===== cell 10: code | metadata: scrolled | outputs: 1 =====
===== cell 11: code | metadata: collapsed =====
===== cell 12: code | metadata: scrolled | tags: YourTurn | outputs: 1 =====
===== cell 13: code | metadata: collapsed =====
===== cell 14: markdown =====
===== cell 15: code | tags: YourTurn,Test | outputs: 2 =====
===== cell 16: code | metadata: collapsed =====
===== cell 17: markdown | attachments: 1 =====
===== cell 18: markdown =====

A dump of MarkDown sources only, without indentation:

$ nbtb dump -G -C -t markdown -i 0 test.ipynb
# Test Notebook

This is a notebook for testing purposes;
in particular,
for testing the various scripts.

It has a few formatted _MarkDown_ cells.
And some simple code cells, with various execution effects;
some (not only the last) has an error.
Various tags have been set.
## A Section

Demonstrating **bold face**.
This one has a $\LaTeX$ formula: $e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0$.
Print the first one hundred numbers, their squares, and their cubes.
Produce a line plot of `df`.

A dump of code cells without global notebook information, without indentation, with cell spacing 1, and info prefix #####:

$ nbtb dump -G -t code -i 0 -l 1 -p '#####' test.ipynb
##### cell 3: code | metadata: collapsed | outputs: 1 #####
print([i ** 3 for i in range(6)])  # output as stream in stdout

##### cell 4: code | metadata: collapsed | outputs: 1 #####
# NameError

##### cell 5: code | metadata: collapsed | outputs: 1 #####
6 * 7  # output as execution result

##### cell 6: code | outputs: 1 #####
6 / 0  # ZeroDivisionError

##### cell 7: code | outputs: 2 #####
# stdout and execution result
print('Hello, World!')

##### cell 8: code | outputs: 2 #####
import sys
print('Message on stdout')
print('Message on stderr', file=sys.stderr)

##### cell 10: code | metadata: scrolled | outputs: 1 #####
for i in range(100):  # output as stream in stdout
    print(i, i ** 2, i ** 3)

##### cell 11: code | metadata: collapsed #####
import pandas as pd

##### cell 12: code | metadata: scrolled | tags: YourTurn | outputs: 1 #####
df = pd.DataFrame([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9])

##### cell 13: code | metadata: collapsed #####
# import seaborn  # commented out to avoid depencency on seaborn
# %matplotlib inline  # commented out to avoid dependcy on matplotlib

##### cell 15: code | tags: YourTurn,Test | outputs: 2 #####
# df.plot(kind='line')  # commented out to avoid dependency on matplotlib

##### cell 16: code | metadata: collapsed #####
print(42)  # output to be deleted afterwards

A dump of a notebook with source line numbers:

$ nbtb dump -l short.ipynb
===== nbformat: 4.2 | kernel: python3 | language: python 3.6.1 =====
===== cells: 2 =====
===== cell 0: markdown | metadata: collapsed =====
   1| # Short Notebook for Testing
   3| * **Bold**
   4| * _Italic_
   5| * `Typewriter`
   6| * $e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0$
===== cell 1: code | outputs: 2 =====
   1| print(6 * 7)
   2| 1 + 1