Notebook Cleaning

clean can delete elements from Jupyter notebooks:

  • selected notebook-level non-required metadata fields

  • selected cell-level metadata fields

  • selected cell tags

  • empty cells

  • all outputs of code cells

When code cell outputs are cleaned, also the execution counts are cleaned (reset to not-executed).

Result File Name

The result of cleaning notebook nb.ipynb is written to nb-clean.ipynb, unless the option --inplace is applied.

The result name addition can be adjusted in the configuration file by setting clean_result_name; see Configuration Files.


The default behavior is to clean nothing. The following options are supported by clean:

-g FIELDS, --global FIELDS
                      comma-separated list of fields to remove from metadata
                      of notebook (default: '')
-m FIELDS, --metadata FIELDS
                      comma-separated list of fields to remove from metadata
                      of all cells (default: '')
-t TAGS, --tags TAGS  comma-separated list of tags to remove from all cells;
                      use '-m tags' to remove all tags (default: '')
-e, --empty-cells, -E, --no-empty-cells
                      delete cells with empty source, i.e. with whitespace
                      only (default: False)
-o, --outputs, -O, --no-outputs
                      clean all outputs from all code cells (default: False)

JSON Output

See Write JSON Output for general information about JSON output.

clean produces the following members in the JSON output:



"global F"

count of global metadata fields F cleaned (0 or 1)

"cell F"

count of cell metadata fields F cleaned

"tag T"

count of cell tags T cleaned


count of empty cells cleaned


count of cell outputs cleaned

Note that members are absent when count is zero.


Remove all collapsed and scrolled metadata fields from cells:

$ nbtb clean -m collapsed,scrolled test.ipynb -v
Options for nbclean:
  Deleting cell metadata fields: ['collapsed', 'scrolled']
  Clearing outputs from all code cells

           6 cell collapsed
           2 cell scrolled
           9 outputs cleaned
  Files written: {'test-clean.ipynb'}

Notebooks processed: 1